A seemingly innocent conversation with my partner Shaun about 6 months ago has led to a chain of events that I could never have imagined!
We were discussing what we could do as what I’m told is described as a “side-hustle”. He’d apparently been talking to a friend about engraving machines and what it was possible to do with them. So, I started doing a bit of research into what was available and what we could do if we got one.
I’m not mean, but I didn’t want to spend a fortune on something that we might try out, decide wasn’t for us and put in the attic to gather dust along with the sewing machine, paper weaving machine and so on – we had been down this road a couple of times...
Well, I looked and checked out various machines from various companies and worked out that there was a choice to be made between getting a cheap machine with no back-up or paying a bit more and getting all the support we might need. If I was going to invest a chunk of cash into this new venture, I wanted to know I could count on the company I was going to buy from.
Decision made, I picked the 3018 Pro from YoraHome, not just for the cute logo or impressive website, but the interaction I’d had with the company prior to purchasing my machine had all been quick, informative and really pleasant and I felt I could trust them to provide the service I was looking for, whereas other companies hadn’t even replied to questions I’d asked.
What seemed like an age went by before it arrived – it was 7 days. So, on my return from work one day, I found that it had arrived, and Shaun had already built it! Now it was my turn to get my hands on it, the excitement had been killing me, so I hooked it up to my laptop, signed into the Inventables website as suggested to use Easel and tra-daaah, nothing happened. Filled with disappointment and disgust I emailed support@yorahome.com and immediately got a response telling me how to turn the machine on.
Suitably embarrassed, I then decided to just get on with trying to produce something I could be proud of. This pig-headed attitude cost me a fortune in wasted materials, the pile of various bits of ruined wood and acrylic sheet was getting bigger when I joined the YoraHome CNC Users Group on Facebook. Oh boy did I wish I’d done that sooner!!!
I was immediately helped get going with my machine, the support team talked to me directly live through Messenger and pointed out what I needed to do, how to clamp the material down properly, how to set my start point, how to get ready to carve.
You will notice that that I am now referring to the machine as mine, not ours anymore, Shaun doesn’t get a look in now. My first piece may not look like much to you, but to me, it was brilliant!
Having joined the Users Group on Facebook, I was encouraged and advised and soon was happy enough to actually show off something I’d done to the group. Then one of my work colleagues had asked me to do something for his wife for her birthday.
And, I was even more delighted when my light up birthday card was a winner (well, joint winner) in the weekly poll in the group. For my prize, I chose some additional bits, which arrived within a few days and got used straight away.
Filled with confidence at this point, I started to show other colleagues what I was doing and quite a few started to order things, coasters, placemats, door signs.
I’ve now set up a website, opened an Etsy shop and would be attending lots of craft fairs but with everywhere still under restrictions I’m busy just building up stock.
I received a number of emails from YoraHome with offers of discounts, so I used my 10% towards getting a laser for the 3018. And oh my hasn’t this opened up a whole new lot of opportunities!
All the way along this journey, YoraHome have assisted and helped and offered encouragement and advice as a customer, to the point where I was asked to join the team. So, it’s my name you see arranging the weekly polls now, I write some articles and try out new equipment and accessories for YoraHome.
Just wait till you see some of the new bits coming into stock soon, you are going to love them as much as I do, but I can’t tell you about them yet!
I’ve had an amazing career travelling the world as a scuba diving instructor, returned to the UK to work for the ambulance service and now see carving and engraving with my YoraHome machines, yes I got a YoraHome CNC Laser Engraving Machine 6550 as well, as my future.
You have been warned, this hobby can change your life!
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