Because forums are incredibly organized, we finally decided to start YoraHome Forum!
If you were looking for a better organization of our CNC topics discussions, a platform outside Facebook to connect freely with other CNC users, you now got your CNC forum.
Whereas you may be part of our Facebook group to get feedback on a CNC machine you bought from YoraHome or join a conversation, you can use our forum to find out easily what’s already out there regarding what you want to know.
If you are already a member of our Facebook group or the YoraHome club, sign up today and make your first post in the forum to say hi and ask your first question :).
Make sure to post it in the correct category. We organized the forum around YoraHome products, software, and other various topics.
This forum is open to all CNC users in the world, not just YoraHome customers as it is with our Facebook group.
Thus, if you want to learn more about our machines, or even discuss other CNC machines, CAD/CAM software that can be used with YoraHome CNC machines, get other people's insights, share your ideas, projects and experience with others, feel free to join our forum.
Let's make the YoraHome forum the best community in the CNC industry!
Join over 3,000 creators who receive premium content, exclusive discounts, and all the must-know info on a weekly basis.