Your go-to guide for all you need to know about CNC from YoraHome!
Have you been thinking about starting a new business or a new hobby and need a CNC carving machine or simply a CNC machine but don't know where to start?
Here are ten things you need to know about CNC:
CNC is a technology which uses computer programming input to operate machines. It sounds really complicated, huh? Well it isn’t, the software used to operate the machine does all the complicated bits for you, and the YoraHome machines convert your ideas into reality.
For example, we recommend our Yora 3018-Pro to be used with Easel from Inventables to make signs, 2.5D relief carving, etc.
We also recommend LaserGRBL and LightBurn softwares to turn your ideas into beautiful lasered items
Such as:
3D printing with the YoraHome Creality Ender-3 V2 3D Printer,
Wood carving with the YoraHome CNC Carving Machine 3018-Pro,
or laser engraving/cutting on bigger surfaces with the YoraHome CNC Laser Engraving Machine 6550.
G-code is the code in which the instructions for CNC carving machines or other CNC machines are written. The G-code is usually generated by computer-aided manufacturing or slicer software as part of the process to make your idea a reality. (You can learn to write G-Code, but you don’t need to – phew!)
First, the conventional technology, which includes drills, lathes and milling machines.
Second, the novel technology, which includes electrical machining, water jet, laser and plasma cutting machines. All the exciting stuff!
This makes creating an intricate logo on slate as easy as importing a picture.
The cube below is 10 x 10 x 10 mm. Just look how sharp the carve in it is!
For instance, you can get yourself any of our CNC routers to enjoy carving and lasering with the same machine, or a 3D printer to enjoy printing 3D models etc.
The choice is yours and is only limited by your own imagination.
If you can stay awake that long, you shouldn’t leave them running without you and you can make changes to what the machine is doing “on the fly”.
For those with the “Go Big or Go Home” attitude, the YoraHome 60W CO2 Laser Engraver or YoraHome SilverBack 6060 do take up a bit more room...
CNC is now widely used by hobbyists and professionals for wood carving, laser engraving and 3D printing at home.
CNC has transformed the world of technology. It has become an important part of many industries, such as medicine, aerospace, mining etc.
Now, their use is being expanded to support people to start their own business or to get a new hobby.
If you’re looking to start your journey with your own CNC carving machine, you’ve reached the right place. YoraHome has a range of high-quality, top of the line CNC carving machines, CNC Laser Engravers and 3D printers to unleash your creativity from the comfort of your home.
Get your CNC machine today! All our products are available online and just a click away. If you have any questions, send an email at or call 833-541-5997 for sales inquiries.
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