We know that there have been many questions in the past, about figuring out the settings to use in LaserGRBL - and which settings in the Laser & Material Database to use with your machines.
Previously, there were several different laser machines listed in that database, and YoraHome was unfortunately not a part of that. Unfortunately, it usually resulted in "check the spreadsheet that we provided" and "they only list machines that they have tested"; which meant they simply didn't have the information to add it to the program.
Thanks to some great work from our own Keri Spring, we've been in contact with the developer of LaserGRBL, and are happy to announce that we have now gotten our machine information into the DB!
Verified in version 4.9.4 of LaserGRBL, the settings graciously provided by frequent blog author Janice Sherriffs have been added to the Material DB.
The developer has also now had the opportunity to review the new 6550-Pro - check out the review results here: https://lasergrbl.com/buy/why-yorahome/
As a part of the process, we also had a Q&A discussion with the developer and yours truly - check out the interview below:
A big thank you to the YoraHome team for making this happen, and our appreciation goes out to Diego at LaserGRBL for helping us make this a reality!
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